Justin Jones-Fosu: "The ACTion Strategist"

Justin Jones-Fosu: "The ACTion Strategist"
Reading my new book

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Put Your ACTion where your Mouth is - Justin Jones-Fosu

Do you have Unfulfilled Dreams, Unrealized Goals, and Unfinished Projects? Well you have come to the right place!

I have been thinking for a while now on what I continue to hear on TV, by speakers, and others. I consistently hear a message about Dreaming Big, Thinking Big, and Hope. Someone even wrote that the way to success was 1 part drive, 1 part vision, and 2 parts ambition. People are leaving out something so vital and it makes sense now!

People are leaving out ACTion! It doesn't matter how big your dream if you never wake up and ACTualize those dreams. It doesn't matter if you create the best vision statement, vision board, and tell a lot of people about it; without ACTion it is all for not!

Where are you in your process of ACTion. Are you one of those people that has great ideas, but it never manifests into reality, well I have the proper prognosis for you: You are suffering from a case on inactivity. Trust me, I have suffered from this as well, but I am healing! Here is the cure:

During my speeches I usually take the audience through the Four Stage Analysis Model, which asks the following questions:

1. Where am I now
2. Where do I want to be
3. What are the barriers hindering me
4. How do I overcome those barriers.

Now begin immediately to remove the barriers and tell someone else so that you can be held accountable. Live Long and ACT!

What are some of the goals that you have set that you want to accomplish in the next 90 days?

Justin Jones-Fosu
"The ACTion Strategist"